RSM Profiler V1

RSM Profiler V1
Категория: Редакторы
Тип файла: rar
Добавлено: 11.02.2012
Размер: 344.7 Kb
Скачан: 1
A stage editor, primarily used to make the profile, with several interesting features.

Changelog (compared to previous versions)

- redesigned the "add noise" feature
- added the simply feature
- added some more options for the layouts
- added more layouts
- renamed some stuff
- moved around some other
- added buttons to easily add sprints etc.
- the program now tells you average gradient, overall height and stuff for a number of lines you selected
- new icons for the tabs
- flagicons for the languages
- added jpeg-capability
- bugfixing, bugfixing, bugfixing...
- import-functions for crs-files
- import-functions for gpx-files (still buggy)
- you can now add new points in the already existing stage
- a new, cool logo (wow, something we really need!)
- new french translation (thanks to armagetronmv)
- transparency (for easier image-overlay drawing)

Нажмите на флешку, чтобы загрузить - RSM Profiler V1
Категория: Редакторы | Просмотров: 20 | Добавил: goga2159 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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